Content 1
エクメーネ研究 2: 1-20 2013
A study of the children’s activity ad interpersonal relationship at the children’s hall attached to After School Day Care Center in metropolitan area of Japan
大場 泰希
Taiki Ohba
Content 2
エクメーネ研究 2: 21-37 2013
Miombo woodland and citemene shifting cultivation of Bemba people in northern Zambia : Specifying and calculating a concept of “Optimum Fallow Period”
大山 修一
Shuichi Oyama
Content 3
エクメーネ研究 2: 39-55 2013
Japanese noodle “udon” and regional uniqueness of Kazo City in Saitama Prefecture, Japan
天野 航平
Kohei Amano
Content 4
エクメーネ研究 2: 57-71 2013
山梨県東部のアカマツ林とコナラ林における 他感作用の強度と発現要因
Litter accumulation and allelopathic activity in the forest of Pinus densiflora and Quercus serrata in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan
桑原 大
Dai Kuwahara
Content 5
エクメーネ研究 2: 73-91 2013
Reducing waste in mass-consumption society—resistance against mass-disposal
浅田 静香
Shizuka Asada