Center for African Area Studies , Kyoto University
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Missions of NFS : Research, Education , cooperation

Selected as a JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project (Grassroots Cooperation Support Type)

We have been selected as a JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project (Grassroots Cooperation Support Type), and will start activities in Niamey, the capital of Niger, for three years from 2021 to promote cleanup, construction of waste flow, greening with organic waste, construction of material cycle between urban and rural areas, waste separation, and elimination of plastic and vinyl. We are planning to start these activities.

2021-2024 JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project (Grassroots Cooperation Support Type) “Environmental Education on Waste Separation and Greening Activities with Organic Waste in Niamey Capital Region, Niger

activity record

Here, we will introduce not only the activities based in the Niger FS, but also the research, education, and public relations activities of Kyoto University scholars who carry out their research in West Africa and Niger.