The creation of a local NGO has been approved by the Government of Niger.The name of the NGO is “OLDACV- SHARA [Organisation Non Gouvernementale pour la Lutte Contre la Désertification et l’Amélioration du Cadre de Vie]”.
In English, this NGO name is “NGO for Combating Desertification and Improving the livelihoods”. Shuichi Oyama became the national coordinator (representative), and Utako Aoike (Ph.D student, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) will join the local NGO as assistant treasurer.
The logo of the NGO is colored in the motif of the national flag of Republic of Niger, with a large tree growing in the background, expressing its purpose and determination to realize a peaceful society by supporting people’s daily lives and their livelihoods, mainly agriculture and cattle breeding. The green letters, from left to right, are French, Hausa, Zaruma, and English, meaning “to live in peace,” which is the main objective of this NGO.