Center for African Area Studies , Kyoto University
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Site No.2 Ruga Inamate. Dec. 2013 ―

Site number No.2
Village name Ruga Inamate (Department of Dogondoutchi)
Site area 0.2250 hectares
Site construction 2013 December
Urban trash input 2013 December
Amount of trash 152 ton
Urban trash per unit 67.6kg/m²
August 2017(4th year rainy season)

① At the time of site construction, I requested only one thing to the herdsmen.
② What I requested him was to “Keep the livestock inside of the fence during nighttime for two weeks even after they finished eating pasture grass there so that the livestock would drop excrements in the site”.
③ This request aims to improve the soil fertility and provide edible plant seeds. If this request is disregarded, the site becomes like this site No.2.
④ Here, after the livestock finished eating the grass inside the fence, the herdsman kept them outside.
⑤ When the nutrients in the plant are removed by the livestock, the soil nutrients are also lost, and single plant species will dominate the site.
⑥ At a glance, the degraded ground seems as if it is rehabilitated with green grass, but in fact it is unsuccessful, because the ground is covered with a single species of Sida cordifolia (garumani in Hausa language).
⑦ This plant is an indicator of desertification and is unsuitable as livestock fodder.
⑧ Once this plant grows, it is very difficult to eliminate it completely
⑨ I told the herdsmen the importance of livestock excrements that supply nutrients for the soil and to remove the garumani grass.
⑩ I weeded this grass with the Fulbe herdsman and project members.